“Invest in yourself. It pays the best interest.”
From the time we are little, we are taught to practice, practice, practice. Study. Work hard. Try new things. That’s what we’re supposed to do when we’re young after all; we are sharpening skills, building foundations, and gaining the tools we need for success. Does this lead to success?
This practice has taught us the importance of investing in hard work. When we become adults, though, sometimes we get so caught up in the drudgery of “adulting” that we forget learning and developing are never quite done and do not have to burdensome to be meaningful.
Improvement is an ongoing process, a balance of work, play, and art. On our leveling-up journey, we must remember to position ourselves for greater. Staying in the same place means that we have become static. In a static position, we are not growing or creating opportunities to advance in the various areas of our lives.
By making time to invest in yourself, it is recognized that something can always either be done better or differently. Here are a few ways you might consider investing in yourself.

Updating your closet
Essentially updating your look. You would be surprised by how simply changing your closet can start you on the right path. It is said that when a woman cuts her hair she is ready for a change. It is worth it to curate your closet or wardrobe. Appearance is important and you want your style to reflect not only how you feel on the inside, but you have committed to becoming in the future. It is also a plus for others to have a positive impression of you.

Signing up for a course
Chose a class to take that is relevant to your education path, career pursuits, or interests. It benefits to get those certifications, as well as have the additional learning. While odd, degrees are not enough, and more people are working outside of their course of study. The more letters behind your name, the more compelling you become as a potential hire. The more you learn, the more you stretch your interests.

Travel, travel, travel. I cannot say this enough. Travel is the most enjoyable and fastest way to learn. The benefits are endless. Allow me to list just a few... building a network; becoming immersed in language learning; growing an open mind; independence; and understanding and appreciating other cultures

Learning another language
Outside of America, it is common for individuals to know 2-3 languages—fluently. And I love this! There are a variety of reasons to learn another language, primarily communication. It is how things get done. The more tools you have to communicate better with others, the more you are able to understand, not only about the individual foreign person, but the culture, and other important matters.

Attending retreats and workshops
Sometimes we need to get outside of ourselves, outside of the city, and outside of our network to fill up on some new juice. This is where retreats and workshops are perfect for gaining knowledge in a short amount of time, or re-centering in a specific amount of time.

Finding a mentor or coach
There are many things that we can learn on our own. After all, in college, we see self-directed courses, but it is important to note that this is following previous foundation courses that prime one’s learning ability.
We all reach a point where we cannot do it by ourselves. We need someone to help us refine a skill or give us guidance. This is where a mentor or coach comes in. The person you choose to lead you on the right path should be someone of proven ability and someone you trust.

Taking an etiquette class.
Do you still think etiquette is irrelevant for the modern-day boss—think again! It has actually become more popular as people look for better positions in careers and life and realize basic etiquette and refinement are essential for upgrading. Aside from career or business advantages, having etiquette is an indicator of respect for others and self as well as strong discipline.
One of the best tips when it comes to investing in yourself is to not forget to rest. While all of these other methods are great, they will go in vain on an overworked mind and body. Rest is just as important as work. So be sure to schedule breaks as you invest in yourself.
Are you ready to invest in yourself this year? I hope these suggestions gave you some strong options to consider. Would you try some of these out or are you looking at trying something different?
Let us know with a comment below!
